inevitable inevitable n. 不可避のこと. 【動詞+】 accept the inevitable with grace
inevitable inevitable n. 不可避のこと. 【動詞+】 accept the inevitable with grace どうにもならないことはいさぎよく受け入れる await the inevitable 避けようのない事態を待つ policies that can only delay the inevitable 避けえないことを遅らせるだけの策
a lot of those studies include , well of course war will be inevitable 良く原子力と戦争を
to perform the rescue , shoot to kill may even be inevitable . 救出のためには 射殺も致し方ないと考える。
apparently it seems to be inevitable , give up and give it back . どうやら むだなようだな。 だったら 諦めて帰れ。
here , a battle between the two big cliques seemed to be inevitable . これにより、両雄の大規模な交戦が避けられない状態になった。
our fallout from the international competition would naturally be inevitable . 当然 国際競争から 脱落することは免れません
it might be inevitable 「一つの世界 = 一つの言語」
tatsugoro , who prepared himself for the eventuality that the quarrel might be inevitable , went to kisaburo ' s place in sukiyagashi and hinted that he might part with him . 最早喧嘩は避けられないと覚悟を決めた辰五郎は数奇屋河岸の喜三郎のもとに行き、それとなく暇乞いを告げる。
worried about it , yoritomo appointed yoshitsune for the duty , judging that the short decisive battle could be inevitable , and yoshitsune responded it with success by organizing the warriors in western japan and destroyed the taira clan in the battles of yashima and dannoura . これに危機感を抱いた頼朝は、短期決戦もやむなしと判断し義経を起用、義経は見事にこれに応え、西国武士を組織し、屋島・壇ノ浦の合戦で平氏を滅亡に追い込んだ。
after the death of abe , masayoshi hotta , who assumed the position of the head of roju , thought the conclusion of the treaty would be inevitable due to pressure from harris and the surrounding situation in which the qing dynasty was defeated in the second opium war , and started work in kyoto , through naohisa kujo , kanpaku (chief adviser to the emperor ), to get imperial permission from the emperor komei . 阿部死後、老中首座となった堀田正睦は、ハリスの圧力や第二次アヘン戦争における清の敗北などの情勢から通商条約締結は不可避と考え、孝明天皇の勅許を求めるべく、京都において関白九条尚忠を通じて工作をおこなわせた。