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be inevitable 意味

"be inevitable"の例文


  • be inevitable
  • inevitable     inevitable n. 不可避のこと. 【動詞+】 accept the inevitable with grace
  • inevitable     inevitable n. 不可避のこと. 【動詞+】 accept the inevitable with grace どうにもならないことはいさぎよく受け入れる await the inevitable 避けようのない事態を待つ policies that can only delay the inevitable 避けえないことを遅らせるだけの策
  • it is inevitable    It is inevitable 仕様が無い 仕様がない しようがない
  • it's inevitable    it's inevitable 仕方の無い 仕方のない しかたのない 仕方が無い 仕方がない しかたがない 仕方無い 仕方ない しかたない
  • accept the inevitable    やむを得ないとあきらめる He was shaking his head in sadness at having to accept the inevitable.
  • bow to the inevitable    やむを得ず(避けられない)事態{じたい}を受け入れる
  • decry the inevitable    避けられない[必然的{ひつぜんてき}な]ことを非難{ひなん}する
  • delay the inevitable    避けては通れないことをズルズルと引き延ばす、悪あがきする、時間稼ぎをする
  • essentially inevitable    どうしても避けられない、どうしても回避{かいひ}できない
  • fight the inevitable    不可避{ふかひ}の運命{うんめい}と戦う
  • inevitable abortion    進行流産{しんこう りゅうざん}
  • inevitable accident    不可抗力{ふかこうりょく}
  • inevitable accompaniment to    ~につきもの
  • inevitable bankruptcy    避け難い破産{はさん}
  • inevitable cause    避けられない理由{りゆう}


  • a lot of those studies include , well of course war will be inevitable
  • to perform the rescue , shoot to kill may even be inevitable .
    救出のためには 射殺も致し方ないと考える。
  • apparently it seems to be inevitable , give up and give it back .
    どうやら むだなようだな。 だったら 諦めて帰れ。
  • here , a battle between the two big cliques seemed to be inevitable .
  • our fallout from the international competition would naturally be inevitable .
    当然 国際競争から 脱落することは免れません
  • it might be inevitable
    「一つの世界 = 一つの言語」
  • tatsugoro , who prepared himself for the eventuality that the quarrel might be inevitable , went to kisaburo ' s place in sukiyagashi and hinted that he might part with him .
  • worried about it , yoritomo appointed yoshitsune for the duty , judging that the short decisive battle could be inevitable , and yoshitsune responded it with success by organizing the warriors in western japan and destroyed the taira clan in the battles of yashima and dannoura .
  • after the death of abe , masayoshi hotta , who assumed the position of the head of roju , thought the conclusion of the treaty would be inevitable due to pressure from harris and the surrounding situation in which the qing dynasty was defeated in the second opium war , and started work in kyoto , through naohisa kujo , kanpaku (chief adviser to the emperor ), to get imperial permission from the emperor komei .
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